Monday, February 25, 2013


Matt hasn't left yet, I still have 6 days 11 hours and 2 minutes.. haha! Yes, I'm counting every second with an APP. Anyways, getting to the point of what I was going to say.. I think that one of the most helpful things to do is to stay focused on something. Recently I began working out, eating healthier, and getting results! I use  another APP called "Loose it" that was introduced to me by a friend to count calories. I've gone past my limit a couple times, but I think everyone should be allowed a treat a week. You can't completely deprive yourself. I've lost 12 solid pounds so far and my confidence is really growing. I feel better about myself, and my body feels better too. I hope that while Matt is away this staying healthy kick I'm on will help to keep me busy. I've been looking up recipes online and trying some of them out, and let me tell you, eating healthy can be very yummy! I recommend finding something you like doing - and focus on it. I suppose that is my tip for the day.

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