Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 17 of boot camp

Day 17 - that's almost 20. And 20 is kind of a lot. It's gone by (sort of) fast so far. I think that makes about 50 something days left. That's livable. I've surprisingly found a lot of support from the girls at work. The more support the better! School starts back up next week, and that will be sure to keep me busier. I've come to realize by reading other posts on the page connected to the fort Matt is located at that our loved ones probably haven't received our letters yet. I hope Matt doesn't think we're all not writing him! Hopefully he remembers that it's called "snail mail" for a reason. I was told by a fellow army fiance friend that her fiance started receiving her mail at week 3 - that's next week, so I'm REALLY hoping he gets my letters then! Today was a slightly dreary day for me. I spent the morning helping my best friend get ready to celebrate her anniversary with her boyfriend. This of course made me miss Matt even more. I think she must have noticed my sad mood, because she ended up treating me to lunch. Very sweet of her. I'm lucky to have such nice friends. Julie, my best friend, told me that before Matt left he sent her a text telling her to take care of his Maddie while he's gone. I feel like a little girl getting all excited about him calling me "his Maddie", but it does make me so happy and excited. I feel so lucky that my dream guy loves me :). No more letters from Matt so far, leaving me wondering and longing to know how he is. I'm sure I'll be waiting for the mail like a crazy person until I get another letter, and when I say I'm "sure" I will - I mean I definitely 100% will be. As I drove around today I found myself day dreaming of holding Matt's hand. I miss holding his hands. That is one of the things, among many others, that I appreciate so much more now. It's so simple - to hold someones hand, but It's also one of the best feelings in the world. I can't wait to be reunited with that wonderful, comforting, safe feeling once again.

Let's see, a tip for today... Keep your head up, even when you're feeling down. Yes, some days life "sucks" and you can't help but feel down, but try to think of the positive in all of this. For example, the fact that your significant other is in the military will most likely help to ensure a more secure future for the both of you. You're life will approximately last about 80 years. The time apart from your loved one is probably nothing compared to the rest of your lives. Stay positive!

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