Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 4 of boot camp

The beginning of my day started off a little rough, I ended up taking a 30 minute cat nap and when I woke up the first thing I laid eyes on was a picture of Matt and I hanging on my wall. That ended up turning my whole day around! It's funny how he can make me feel better even when I haven't spoken to him or seen him for days. Maybe that's a sign that we're just meant to be :). The rest of the day I have been relatively happy and positive. I keep thinking of how happy I will be when I finally get to see Matt and how happy he will hopefully be too haha! I'm sure I'll have more rough days, but I really love this positive feeling I have right now! I constantly think of Matt, but instead of focusing on how much I miss him, I focused on how much I love him, and how much he loves me. I feel like I say this a lot, but this is only for a short period of time, and it will definitely benefit us in the future. I keep saying this because I keep thinking it and it makes me feel a whole lot better to say it (or type it)! I continue writing him letters, and I will hopefully get to send them soon depending on if he wants to during boot camp or not. I sure hope he does though!! I don't really know about a tip for the day... maybe, take a nap? or better yet, don't focus on your loneliness and how much you miss your significant other, but try and only think happy thoughts about how much you love them and how much they love you!

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