Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 36 of boot camp

HALF WAY THERE! 36 days down, 36 days to go! I'm getting so excited!
So, my morning began slowly. I woke up, got dressed, and sat upstairs with my mom for a couple hours until we headed out to lunch. After lunch I picked up my car from the shop and we headed home. I finished up some school work on the back deck while waiting for the mail to arrive. The longer I waited, the more I doubted that I'd get a letter. I'm not sure why I thought that way, I suppose I was just trying to make myself feel better if I were to be disappointed  My heart jumped, and my stomach rolled with every car that drove by. I can't tell you how many times I got out of my seat to look over at the mailbox, just to make sure I didn't miss the mail man, even though I had a clear view the entire time. I even walked down to the mail box 2 times before that - just to make sure. Finally, 2 hours late - the mail came! I shot out of my chair sped walked to the front door, and out I went. The mail truck hadn't even made it to the 3rd mailbox past ours when I grabbed the mail. I stood for a second to see if I had anything waiting for me. Sure enough I did! A little letter addressed to Maddison with an Army logo in the top left corner was waiting in the middle of the pile for me. My heart floated up to my face, spreading a big fat smile across it. I cradled the mail close to me, pointed my sock covered toes into the ground, and sprinted back inside. As soon as my hand touched  the screen door I exclaimed that I got a letter! I proceeded back to my spot on the back deck, sat down, and with shaky hands opened my letter. Inside were 3 pages filled with Matt's beautiful little chicken scratch. I read it, and then read it again just to take it all in. I finished up my final letter to include in the envelope I would send today, and taped it all up. I read his letter once again, just because I miss him to death, and then got in my car and headed off to the post office. After mailing my letters I drove to Matt's to hangout there, like I do every Wednesday. I helped Jesse with his homework, played some basketball with him, and then when he left to do some work with his dad, Matt's mom and I went for a long walk at a local park. We walked and talked until it was time for dinner. We picked up some salads and brought them home to eat on the deck. It was such a beautiful day, it would have been wrong not to be outside. After we finished eating we sat on the back deck for hours just talking and enjoying each others company. I'm not sure what brought this up, but at one point Matt's mom turned to me and said "Wow, you must love my son a lot". I replied with the truth, that I do ... I really really do. I love that man more than anything, and I would do absolutely anything for him. I left around 10:30 PM to come home and do my evening work out. After that I showered, and now I'm sitting in bed, writing, and listening to a disc made to teach me the Lithuanian language that Matt bought for me. I've heard if you listen to something while you sleep, it helps you remember it. I'm not too sure on that, but it's worth a try.
Tip of the day: Don't be a negative Nancy (like me) and just expect things to not go your way. Be hopeful - you'll feel better! Also, get together with someone who you can just talk to for hours and feel comfortable, it can actually be a lot of fun, and it will keep your mind busy!
Stay positive! No negative Nancy's allowed.

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