Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 53 of boot camp

I started off my day with a shower, and some homework. After that My mother and I met Matt's mom at the florist shop for our first meeting! It was actually very successful, and I ended up deciding on all of the flowers I wanted. I don't want to go into details, because I'd like it to be more of a surprise when I am able to post pictures of it. Trust me though, they will be gorgeous! The florist seems to really like me haha. She kept talking about how laid back I was. I take that as a compliment. She started talking about feeling magical when I put my wedding dress on when I first bought it. I informed her I'm not that type of girl, and that I thought I looked real good - but not magical. I never picture things like that, I never really have. The only time I can honestly say I feel magical and princess - like is when I'm with Matt. He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, and I am so thankful for that. As I said, I don't normally ever feel like a girly girl, but Matt makes me feel that way, I suppose that's one of the reasons I love him so much :) Every girl wants to feel like a princess at some point in her life, and Matt makes me feel that way every day. After that I headed back home and got ready for work. A little bit after that the mail came, so I rushed out to check it. No luck today, though. I headed back inside, pouty faced, and waited for my time to leave for work. Work was pretty busy, and went by fast enough. I grabbed a salad on my way out and then got to Matt's house a little after 9:00 PM. Matt's family got two letters from him today! They allowed me to read them, and it made me happy to read his words, even if they weren't meant for me. He spoke of us getting married too, which made me even  happier to see! I ate my dinner there, then watched a movie with Matt's mom until about 1:00 AM haha.
Tip of the day: Stay positive, and stay busy. Time will go by so much faster than you would have ever thought if you keep your mind busy! Don't let the little things get you down, think forward - about what good is coming in your near or far future!
As I said, Stay positive!

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